The Little Lost Chickie (Quest)

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The Little Lost Chickie
The Little Lost Chickie is a quest you can get from Fawn which was released for the 2012 Never Dove Egg Hunt event. Upon completion, you will get the following as your reward: Mint Green Never Dove Egg Basket.

Prerequisites: None.

Released: 3 April 2012

Retired: 12 April 2012
Spoiler Warning!

Quick Quest Guide

This Quest has 6 steps.

What you will need: 10 Twigs.

Quick Steps

  • Go to Fawn's Hideout and ask if she has any quests. Pick The Little Lost Chickie.
  • Go to The Ballroom and look for the egg. Return to Fawn.
  • Search for Glinda the Never Dove in the autumn meadows. Return to Fawn when you have found her.
  • Search for Whisperwing the Never Dove in the spring meadows. Return to Fawn when you have found her.
  • Earn a score of 10,000 points on Harvest Hustle and return to Fawn.
  • Search for Skysong the Never Dove in the summer meadows. Return to Fawn when you have found her.
  • Gather 10 Twigs and give them to Fawn.
  • Pick your reward and the quest is over.

In Depth Quest Guide

This is a full walk through for the quest, so if you're confused by any of the quick steps, hopefully these can help you out.

Head over to Fawn's Hideout in Maple Tree Hill and ask her if she has any quests. The quest should appear in the list of quests you may do and you can begin the quest immediately. Upon starting the quest, Fawn will greet you:

Fawn: "Have you seen it, Pixie Name Here? There's a Never Dove egg in the Ballroom, and a chickie is hatching from it!"
"The chickie is safe, of course, but how did he get in the Ballroom? And where is his mother? Nobody seems to know!"
"It's funny, huh? I've got everything ready for the big Never Dove Egg Hunt, and now up pops a REAL egg, chickie and all!"
"And that chickie needs his mother. Will you help me find her?"

Step 1

Accept this Quest?

Once you agree, Fawn is thrilled and gives you the first step.

Fawn: "Critterific! First, you need to see the egg. Most Never Dove mothers wear bonnets with a pattern on them, and their eggs have a matching pattern."
"Go see the egg in the Ballroom so that you know what its pattern looks like!"

Visit the Never Dove egg in The Ballroom. You can get there from Havendish Square!
Progress: # of 1

Story So Far

You're helping Fawn find the mother of the Never Dove chickie in the Ballroom. Start by visiting the Ballroom to see the egg!

Your first task is to fly into The Ballroom. Find the egg and remember the pattern on its shell. Return to Fawn.

Step 2

I saw the Never Dove egg in the Ballroom!

Fawn: "Good. You know what the egg's pattern looks like. Now we need to look for a Never Dove mother with a matching pattern on her bonnet."
"I happen to know that Glinda the Never Dove looks for blueberries in the autumn meadows every day. Maybe she's the mother."
"Go search for Glinda in the autumn meadows!"

Search for Glinda the Never Dove in the autumn meadows. See if the pattern on her bonnet matches the pattern on the egg in the Ballroom and click on her after you've checked. Fly back to Fawn's Hideout in Maple Tree Hill when you are done!
Progress: # of 1

Story So Far

You're helping Fawn find the mother of the Never Dove chickie in the Ballroom. Search for Glinda the Never Dove in the autumn meadows!

Blueberries are found in Pumpkin Patch! Fly over and look for Glinda. Her bonnet does not match the Never Dove egg, so return to Fawn.

Step 3

I found Glinda in Pumpkin Patch!

Fawn: "Did the pattern on Glinda's bonnet match the pattern on the egg in the Ballroom? Oh, it didn't? Then let's try again!"
"Myka the scout-talent flew by while you were gone. She said that Whisperwing the Never Dove is flying to the spring meadows to take a nap!"
"Maybe she's the mother. Go search the spring meadows for Whisperwing!"

Search for Whisperwing the Never Dove in the spring meadows. See if the pattern on her bonnet matches the pattern on the egg in the Ballroom and click on her after you've checked. Fly back to Fawn's Hideout in the Maple Tree Hill when you are done!
Progress: # of 1

Story So Far

You're helping Fawn find the mother of the Never Dove chickie in the Ballroom. Search for Whisperwing the Never Dove in the spring meadows!

Fly over to Treetop Bend where you will find Whisperwing! Return to Fawn to report what you have found.

Step 4

I found Whisperwing in Treetop Bend!

Fawn: "Did the pattern on Whisperwing's bonnet match the pattern on the egg in the Ballroom? No? Well, jumping jackrabbits, let's keep looking then!"
"Terence flapped by a minute ago and said he saw Skysong, another Never Dove, flying to the summer meadows. He said she looked upset!"
"I want to get her some dove treats to make her feel better. Then we can check the pattern on her bonnet. C'mon, let's play Harvest Hustle"

Fly to Pumpkin Patch. Earn 10,000 points playing Harvest Hustle. Return to Fawn's Hideout in the Maple Tree Hill when you are done!
Progress: # of 10,000

Story So Far

You're helping Fawn find the mother of the Never Dove chickie in the Ballroom. Play Harvest Hustle!

Time for some talent game practice! Fly over to Pumpkin Patch and enter Knothole Pantry. Play Harvest Hustle until you reach a score of 10,000 points (whether in one shot or cumulative). When you are finished playing, return to Fawn.

Step 5

I played Harvest Hustle with Fawn!

Fawn: "Okay, we got a bag of dove treats for Skysong. Now you need to find her somewhere in the summer meadows. Flap to it, chickadee!"

Search for Skysong the Never Dove in the summer meadows. See if the pattern on her bonnet matches the pattern on the egg in the Ballroom and click on her after you've checked. Fly back to Fawn's Hideout in Maple Tree Hill when you are done!
Progress: # of 1

Story So Far

You're helping Fawn find the mother of the Never Dove chickie in the Ballroom. Search for Skysong the Never Dove in the summer meadows!

You can find Skysong in Sunflower Gully! Return to Fawn and tell her that Skysong is the Never Dove egg's mother.

Step 6

I found Skysong in Sunflower Gully!

Fawn: "Is Skysong the chickie's mother? She IS? And she was in Sunflower Gully looking for her baby? Wow, no wonder she was upset!"
"This is flaptastic, chickadee! We can reunite mother and baby!"
"But you know, eggs don't just disappear. I bet there's a hole in Skysong's nest and the egg rolled out."
"I'm going to go talk to Skysong. While I do, will you gather Twigs so she can repair the hole in her nest?

Gather Twigs to help fix Skysong's nest. There should be some in the winter meadows!
Progress: # of 10

Story So Far

Congratulations! You've helped Fawn find the mother of the chickie in the Ballroom! Now gather Twigs!

An ingredient collecting task! It's time to gather up some Twigs, if you don't have 10 already. Once you get the required 10 Twigs, return to Fawn and give them to her.

Your Reward

I have Twigs for Fawn!

Fawn: "Chickadee, I was right! There IS a hole in Skysong's nest! The egg fell out, Mungo Raccoon found it, and he took it to the Ballroom!"
"Skysong is so happy that her baby is safe that she'll let him stay in the Ballroom for awhile. He's having fun playing peek-a-boo with everybody!"
"Thanks so much for helping me sort all this out. Skysong told me to give this to you, as a thank you."
"Oh, Skysong named her baby Chirpson, by the way. Go see him in the Ballroom, and enjoy the Never Dove Egg Hunt!"

You get a Mint Green Never Dove Egg Basket as show below as your reward; and earn 100 Talent Points.

Name Collection Item Type Image Current Location, Price, and Quality Description Notes
Mint Green Never Dove Egg Basket Bracelets Mint Green Never Dove Egg Basket.png
Click here for larger image
Reward item from The Little Lost Chickie quest available to Members only.
Collect as many as you can! Released: 3 April 2012

Retired: 12 April 2012