Dizzy Dot Flu (Quest)

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Dizzy Dot Flu

Dizzy Dot Flu is a quest you can get from Elixa when your Animal Friend is sick. Upon completion, your Ladybug will be healed with its health status being restored.

Prerequisites: You must have a Ladybug as an Animal Friend and it must have the illness.

Released: 23 February 2010

Retired: 19 September 2013
Spoiler Warning!

Quick Quest Guide

This Quest has 6 steps.

What you will need: 117 Spider Silk (which you will use to purchase one Bubble'n'Boil Kettle), as well as 2 Daisy Petals, 2 Raspberries and 2 Pine Needles.

Quick Steps

In Depth Quest Guide

This is a full walk through for the quest, so if you're confused by any of the quick steps, hopefully these can help you out.

Head over to Elixa's Hospital in Neverberry Thicket and ask her if she has any quests. The quest should pop up immediately and you'll be able to begin. Upon starting the quest, Elixa will greet you:

Elixa: "Fly with you, Pixie Name Here! Oh dear, don’t tell me -- Animal Friend Name Here is sick. I can tell by the look on your face. What are the symptoms?"
"Fever, shivers, can’t sleep -- that’s the Dizzy Dot Flu if I ever heard it. Poor Animal Friend Name Here!"
"Luckily I know a special tea that will send that flu flying! Will you help me make it?"

Step 1

Accept this quest?

Elixa: "That’s it then! I need a new kettle to boil the ingredients."
"Clank visited me this morning, and my old kettle accidentally dropped on his head!"
"Clank didn’t notice, but the kettle is dented beyond repair! Can you fly to Harmony’s Home Collections and get a Bubble‘n’Boil Kettle for me?"

Fly to Harmony's Home Collections in Neverberry Thicket and get a Bubble'n'Boil Kettle. Bring it to Elixa's Hospital in Neverberry Thicket when you are done!
Progress: # of 1

Story So Far

Your Ladybug has the Dizzy Dot Flu. Go get a Bubble‘n’Boil Kettle at Harmony’s Home Collections!

Flit up to the top of Neverberry Thicket and enter Harmony's Home Collections. Purchase a Bubble‘n’Boil Kettle, which will cost you 117 Spider Silk, and return to Elixa and give it to her.

Step 2

I have a new kettle for Elixa!

Elixa: "Wonderful! Now for the ingredients."
"First we need Daisy Petals. Go find some while I fill this kettle with fresh stream water."

Gather 2 Daisy Petals and bring them to Elixa's Hospital in Neverberry Thicket.
Progress: # of 2

Story So Far

Your Ladybug has the Dizzy Dot Flu. Gather Daisy Petals for the cure!

An ingredient collecting task! You are searching for Daisy Petals, if you don’t have 2 already. Once you get the required 2 Daisy Petals, return to Elixa and give them to her.

Editor’s Note: The following original instructions for this step were changed:
Gather 20 Daisy Petals and bring them to Elixa's Hospital in Neverberry Thicket.

Step 3

I have Daisy Petals for Elixa!

Elixa: "Thank you, Pixie Name Here!"
"Will you find Raspberries next?"

Gather 2 Raspberries and bring them to Elixa's Hospital in Neverberry Thicket.
Progress: # of 2

Story So Far

Your Ladybug has the Dizzy Dot Flu. Gather Raspberries for the cure!

Another ingredient collecting task! This time you are looking for Raspberries, if you don’t have 2 already. Once you get the required 2 Raspberries, return to Elixa and give them to her.

Editor’s Note: The following original instructions for this step were also changed:
Gather 20 Raspberries and bring them to Elixa's Hospital in Neverberry Thicket.

Step 4

I have Raspberries for Elixa!

Elixa: "Very good! Now, while the water in the kettle heats up, I’d like you to go bake some cookies. This cure works better with cookies."
"Visit Dulcie at her kitchen in Neverberry Thicket and bake 1 batch of Acorn Cookies, alright?"

Fly to Dulcie's Kitchen in Neverberry Thicket. Use Practice Baking to make 1 batch of Acorn Cookies. Bring them to Elixa's Hospital in Neverberry Thicket when you are done!
Progress: # of 1

Story So Far

Your Ladybug has the Dizzy Dot Flu. Fly to Dulcie’s Kitchen and Practice Bake 1 batch of Acorn Cookies!

Flap over to Dulcie's Kitchen. Once there, pick Practice Baking and choose Acorn Cookies from the list. When you are done baking, flit back to Elixa and speak to her again.

Step 5

I baked Acorn Cookies for 'Animal Friend Name Here'!

Elixa: "Thank you, Pixie Name Here! But we have a little problem."
"I thought I had some Pine Needles, but I’m all out. Will you go get some Pine Needles? It’s the last ingredient we need."

Gather 2 Pine Needles and bring them to Elixa's Hospital in Neverberry Thicket.
Progress: # of 2

Story So Far

Your Ladybug has the Dizzy Dot Flu. Gather Pine Needles for the cure!

More ingredient collecting! This time you are looking for Pine Needles, if you don’t have 2 already. Once you get the required 2 Pine Needles, return to Elixa and give them to her.

Editor’s Note: The following original instructions for this step were also changed:
Gather 15 Pine Needles and bring them to Elixa's Hospital in Neverberry Thicket.

Step 6

I have Pine Needles for Elixa!

Elixa: "That’s it then! I’ll add the Pine Needles to the other ingredients in the kettle."
"Oh, there’s one more thing I need you to do!"
"Since the tea has to get very hot to mix properly, I’ll need a way to cool it down so Animal Friend Name Here can drink it."
"Fly to Copper’s Tinkering Nook and make a Seedpod Fan. A fan will cool the tea down fast."

Fly to Copper's Tinkering Nook in Maple Tree Hill. Use Practice Tinkering to make a Seedpod Fan. Bring it to Elixa's Hospital in Neverberry Thicket when you are done!
Progress: # of 1

Story So Far

Your Ladybug has the Dizzy Dot Flu. Fly to Copper’s Tinkering Nook and Practice Tinker a Seedpod Fan!

Your last step is a Tinkering task. Fly to Maple Tree Hill and enter Copper's Tinkering Nook. Once there, choose Practice Tinkering and select Seedpod Fan from the list. When you have finished tinkering the fan, return to Elixa.

The Cure

I tinkered a Seedpod Fan for Elixa!

Editor’s Note: The original message for this step was the following line of text, which was changed:
I made a Seedpod Fan for Elixa!

Elixa: "Very nice tinkering work, Pixie Name Here! Now let’s use this fan to cool down the tea."
"It’s working perfectly!"
"Here we are, fresh tea to cure the Dizzy Dot Flu! Make sure Animal Friend Name Here sips this slowly while eating the cookies you baked."
"Remember, when your Animal Friend grows up, you should release them back into the wild. Please stop by if Animal Friend Name Here gets sick again. Stay healthy!"

Your Animal Friend gains 90 Health Points and is now healed! If your Animal Friend is not yet fully grown, it will also gain some Age Points.


This quest was originally released as a Quest for Members. It was changed to a Quest for all Players on 26 April 2012.